Monday, 24 November 2014

Treacle Days


Do any of you experience treacle days?
It's an odd feeling really and applies to both physical and mental tasks - essentially I feel like I'm trying to wade through treacle trying to get anything done.

Physically I find that I move much slower and seems to take me ages to do anything and I also tend to drop a lot of things on the floor! Feels like my fingers don't close fully, they feel quite weak, as do the muscles in my legs and arms and I feel a bit shaky.

Mentally, it's very similar to brain fog, just treacle flavoured ;-) lol. Takes a while to think things through, concentration/attention span drops to the floor (possibly below sometimes ha ha) and I seem to forget what I'm doing or why or what I need to get done. It feels a bit surreal/dream-like, almost like I'm moving in slow motion while everyone else is speeding by. These are not my favourite kind of days.

On the plus side, I've not picked up a new infection for about 2 weeks now! (cross fingers, toes, eyes, touch wood etc etc) and long may that continue - at least let me get through my birthday and Christmas - too many good things coming up to be ruined by fatigue and pain.

I have my Superman pin badge on today which is there to help me through the bad days :)

I'd like to always end these blogs on a positive note I think, I don't like being all moany, don't want to depress everybody out there! so 3 positive thoughts for the day:
1. I don't have an infection
2. Yummy spag bol for tea tonight
3. Amazing hugs and support from my boyfriend to come later :)

Keep smiling everyone

#mecfs #spoonie #spoonieproblems

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