Wednesday 13 August 2014

Symptom of the week...

I know some people find crying cathartic but I have always hated it. I've never cried at a book or a film - usually causing my friends to playfully (I hope!) call me 'heartless'. So to my dismay, crying has become a relatively regular thing these days and the worst thing is, it's usually over absolutely nothing! At times it can be a case of feeling slightly sensitive so something said sets me off or it can be completely self-involved and I'm just feeling sorry for myself.

I can just be driving to work and I'll burst out crying. I do try to fight it as long as I can but then that first tear will just trickle over the edge and start off the cascade. Luckily it usually doesn't last very long, though there have been mammoth sessions where I just can't stop once I start.

It almost feels like I've reverted to a child like state, where the the more tired I am, the more likely I am to cry. There are usually less tantrums though and I'm happy to go to bed, unlike a toddler.

I have had a couple of crying sessions this week, the latest being this morning, I sat in my car for 10 minutes before I was able to leave for work and safely drive. There was no trigger, no build up, it just happened.

My poor (amazing) boyfriend James has been suffering along with me and has now come to accept this as part of the continuing issues. It's hard to explain that there's no reason behind it but he's a brilliant guy and very understanding and patient with me :-)

Does anyone else suffering with chronic fatigue syndrome/ME/post viral fatigue syndrome ever feel the same way? - anyone figured out a good way to stop the tears?

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